Thursday, January 31, 2013

LAD #28: Wilson's First Inaugural

The democratic candidate, Woodrow Wilson, was able to achieve victory in the election of 1912 because the republican party was split between candidates, William Howard Taft and Teddy Roosevelt.

In his inaugural address, Wilson begins by mentioning the change that has occurred over the past few years.  A government which had been republican for decades was replaced with a democratic congress, president, and vice president.  He goes on to further define the term "change" stating that it had greater meaning than just the change in politics.  He claims that with wealth, evil has come as well.    In other words, the growth of the nation has also spurred corruption.  Americans have been too proud about their achievements in industry and business to pay attention to the human cost that has come along with national growth.  He mentions the suffering of men, women, and children, all whom work in factories and face grueling conditions.  Wilson then states his main goal "to correct the evil without impairing the good." He sought to restore order and repair the capitalist system.  He mentions things that need to be changed including tariffs, the banking system, and the industrial system.  Government should act out of the interest of humanity "in safeguarding the health of the nation."  Wilson expresses that there needs to be a multitude of acts passed to ensure health, not only in terms of working conditions but also consumer products.  He concludes by stating that with the help of god and man, he will accomplish these tasks and return the nation to a place of not only industrial prosperity, but also a place that promotes the prosperity of humanity.

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