Saturday, September 8, 2012

LAD #1: The Mayflower Compact and The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

1) What concepts are included in the Mayflower Compact?
The concepts included in the Mayflower Compact include the formation of a crude government,  as well as the agreement to pass laws, ordinances, acts, or constitutions for the good of the colony.  It also expressed faith and belief in God. Religion was a critical aspect of the Pilgrims' life.
2) How does the Mayflower Compact reflect and attachment to both the "Old" and "New" worlds?
 The Mayflower Compact reflected an attachment to both the old and new worlds because in the document, the authors pledge loyalty to King James and native England, which is characteristic of old world society in which subjects were expected to worship their monarch and nation.  However, the document was also a step towards self- government and included some democratic ideals.  For instance, all citizens (in reality just the white males) were given the opportunity to participate in government.  It also established a system in which the majority would rule, not just the aristocrats and monarchs.  
3) How did the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut differ from the Mayflower Compact?
The Mayflower Compact differed from the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut because first of all, it was drafted by Separatists, while the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut was drafted by Puritans. Also, the Mayflower compact was not actually a constitution, but only a simple agreement to form a government.  On the other hand, The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut was an actual written constitution that had specific rules and regulations that were  enforced and expected to be followed. 
4) What prompted the colonists of Connecticut to take this approach to government, i.e.: use of a written Constitution?
The colonists of Connecticut were prompted to take this approach for numerous reasons. The Puritans believe that it is God's request for them to set up an orderly and decent government established in order to keep the peace and unity of the people. Also, the Fundamental Orders brought together numerous towns into one single body, so therefore there was a need for a stronger government to control and regulate the affairs of the new unified region.
5) In what significant way(s) does the Fundamental Orders reflect a fear of and safeguard against the usurping of power by one person or a chosen few?
 The Fundamental Orders reflected a fear of and safeguard against the usurping of power by one person or a chosen few by enforcing democratic principles.  The people, for example, elected the officials.  Various restrictions were also placed on rule therefore no single person could become too powerful. For instance, the governor could only serve for a maximum of two years.

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