Saturday, September 22, 2012

LAD #5: Federalist #10

1.  Why are factions so difficult to eliminate?
Factions are difficult to eliminate because in order to do so, one would have to eliminate liberty, from which factions stem.  The task of ridding liberty, a beloved aspect of American society, would be extremely difficult and unlikely.  The second option would be to give make sure that everyone has the same opinions.  Again, this is a task that cannot be done.  No matter what, people within a society are always going to have different beliefs and thoughts from one another to some degree.
2.  If factions cannot be removed then how can they be controlled?
 Although factions cannot be completely eliminated, they are controllable.  For instance, if the faction consists of the minority, then according to the republican principle, they will not be able to succeed above the majority.  Factions can also be contained by limiting their growth in popularity and making sure that they do not spread further and encompass more people--keep the issue isolated.

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